
An AI enhanced browser to provide self improvement tools for Education.

For Educators

A personal knowledge browser and composer for educators and students to create and share their knowledge.

Let's Work Together

BrainBook is launched to help everyone explain their vision, mission, and share their legacy.

Share your knowledge in Real time and Real world

BrainBook is great for classrooms and offices where you need an easy way to share knowledge from your PC/MAC/Tablet. Typical Usage Flows shown below.

1. Register and Login

This allows brainbook to track number of users and no personal usage data is collected.

2. Ingest Source

Ingest your document (pdf or URL) into Inbox to prepare your note.

3. Browse Document or Web Pages

You can browse document in the embedded CHromium Browser (No Personal Information Collected).

4. Edit your Note

The integrated markdown editor lets you work side-by-side with your document.

5. Create Project

Use file manager style interface to create/delete projects and organize your thoughts.

6. Import Source/Note into Project

Import Source/Notes into Project to help peronal knowledge management.

7. Use your own AI engine!

BrainBook lets you configure OpenAI Key, and will support embedded Llmama LLM in the future.

8. Inspect your chat data to help note revision

The integrated data browser lets you inspect and edit your chat data for note revision.

9. Use your Personal note and image

Apply your personal note and image to create media to share with others.